As early as in the XV century, the area of Jakubowice Konińskie belonged to wealthy Lublin landowners. The Koniński family erected a fortified manor house with Gothic-Renaissance features, which today serves as a stylish guesthouse-inn. A charmingly situated village near Lublin occupies part of the steep slopes of the Ciemięga river valley. Paying attention to the stream flowing latitudinally, a certain dissonance may arise that such a narrow, meandering river uses a valley over 20 meters deep, with the slopes cut by numerous gorges and ravines. The susceptibility of loess rocks to water erosion processes created an area of high landscape values, where in 1990 the Protected Landscape Area "Ciemięga River Valley" was established. Unique floristic values are represented here by communities characteristic of low peat bogs, species of steppe flora, and small concentrations of mountain and submontane plants.