It is the first professional horse-riding route in the Lublin Region and one of the longest in Poland (280 km). It leads through varied landscapes of Lublin Polesie and Volhynia Polesie, featuring numerous lakes, thick forests, nature reserves and many historic sights (old architecture, churches, manor houses, etc.). It calls on the most interesting places located within the Poleski National Park, and the Chełm, Sobibór, and Poleski Landscape Parks - including the nature reserves: Żółwiowe Błota (Turtle Bogs), Orchowe Lake, Magazyn, Małoziemce, Serniawy, Bachus, Stawska Góra, Bagno Serebryskie (Serebryskie Bog), Brzeźno, and Roskosz. Part of the trail goes along the Bug River. The Poleski Horse-riding Route is marked according to the guidelines of the Polish Tourist and Sightseeing Society (PTTK) – an orange circle on a white square. Tourist rides along the route are organised by three horse-riding centres – Bachus, Jagodne and Żurawiejka.

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